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You may be familiar with the idea of traditional saunas, or may have even tried them yourself. If so, you’re likely thinking of a small wooden room that’s so hot it’s steamy, and if you step into it, you start sweating almost immediately! While traditional saunas...

Is your neck painful, stiff, or feeling clunky? You are no doubt looking for a way to find relief and you may feel like cracking your neck is the way to get it. But is it okay to crack your neck? Your neck plays a vital...

Orthotics can make a significant impact on your comfort and mobility. You may be surprised to hear that not only can they help foot pain and positioning, but they have the potential to affect your body positively right up to your head! You may have seen...

Nerve pain can range from being mildly uncomfortable to excruciating. If it is affecting you, it may be making the simplest everyday activity difficult to carry out and you might be missing out on the things you need and love to do, like work and...

Quad strain can be debilitating for runners. You may have no choice but to stop your running routine because you are simply in too much pain. However, sometimes issues with your quad muscles can cause less pain, which may create confusion about the best way...

Physiotherapists provide care for a wide range of medical conditions and physical concerns to improve countless patients’ quality of life in Australia. In turn, this reduces the national load on the healthcare system due to symptom reduction, improvement in functionality and mobility, and prevention of...

Lymphoedema is a chronic and progressive condition that involves the build-up of protein-rich excess fluid within the lymphatic system, which is a network of vessels and nodes underneath the skin. This collects in bodily tissues and results in swelling, which is also known as oedema. Lymphoedema...

Physiotherapy is an important healthcare option that can help patients with a broad array of concerns using a variety of evidence-based methods and techniques. The professionals who deliver this form of care, physiotherapists, must be qualified and registered to practise within Australia to ensure safe...

Pregnancy is a beautiful and life-changing period for mothers to experience. But the aches, pains, and stress that it can put on the body can be debilitating for many women. The pelvis and lower back can be considerably strained, and the pain can be horrible....

If you’ve ever had a bunion, you know just how frustrating it can be to deal with. Not only can it cause pain and discomfort, but it can prevent you from wearing the shoes you want to or from getting a pedicure out of concern...

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