Exercise Physiology

experienced physiotherapists in Epping

Exercise Physiology in Epping & Doreen

What is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP)

AEPs are specialists in clinical exercise interventions for a range of health issues. They focus on preventing, managing acute, sub- acute or chronic disease or injury, and assist in restoring optimal physical function, health and wellness through exercise-based approaches. AEPs provide education, advice, and support; emphasising behavioral change.

exercise physiology near me

AEPs work with a wide variety of people and conditions including:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Pulmonary disease
  • Metabolic disease
  • Musculoskeletal disease (arthritis, osteoporosis/osteopenia, acute and/or chronic musculoskeletal issues)
  • Depression and other Mental health conditions Pre/postpartum exercise advice/rehabilitation Cancer
  • Neurological disease
exercise physiology doreen


  • Behavioral coaching/health education to improve health and self- management of health conditions
  • Exercise counseling for injury/surgery recovery for safe progression of injury/surgery recovery
  • Prescription of tailored exercise programs which take into consideration multiple comorbid conditions
  • Assessment of functional capacity for daily living and work-related activities

These services will include an assessment to ensure any prescribed activity is safe, effective and likely to be maintained in the long term.

PLEASE NOTE: AEPs do not provide invasive services, diagnose conditions, perform joint manipulation, or prescribe pharmaceuticals.

How does Exercise Physiology help certain conditions?

Not only will physiotherapy treat your symptoms for a specific injury, your physiotherapist will provide you with long term health maintenance, and healthcare advice which aims to optimise your quality of life.

exercise physiology epping

Why Should You See An AEP

At Muscle Joint Bone in Doreen & Epping, we address the cause of your pain as opposed to just the symptoms. We treat each patient as an individual, which leads to faster relief and a greater chance of complete recovery. In the case of chronic conditions, addressing your entire life and not just your pain allows us to improve your ability to get the most out of every day.

local exercise physiology services

Our Approach to Exercise Physiology

At Muscle Joint Bone in Doreen & Epping, we address the cause of your pain as opposed to just the symptoms. We treat each patient as an individual, which leads to faster relief and a greater chance of complete recovery. In the case of chronic conditions, addressing your entire life and not just your pain allows us to improve your ability to get the most out of every day.


26 Childs Rd
Epping VIC 3076
(03) 9088 8228


Office 106/95 Hazel Glen Dr
Doreen VIC 3754
(03) 9715 0582





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